
                            In today's competitive and stressful life if I ask you Do you want to be a kid again and rejoice your childhood?  Hardly anyone of you will deny because childhood is the best phase of everyone's life when enjoyment is the only thing to do .When life was all about  happiness and joy , outdoor-indoor games, along with studies . There was not any type of stress and today the life , the atmosphere, the surroundings everything is stressful in it's aspect.



                                         We can just relive the memories of childhood filled with mother's love , father's care and family's affection. Childhood is the best time to build the foundation of a kid's future . From the very young age a kid starts to learn value and morals from it's parents and family, which helps it to be itself and what it want in it's life in future . Childhood is a phase one can never forget because everybody has some good and bad memories related to their past . Good memories makes you feel happy and excited however your mood is at that particular time whether bad memories teaches you the proper lessons to not to repeat that mistakes that you may have done before . These memories stay with us for our whole life . Actually the value of the thing or the time has been evaluated after it has passed . While being children we did not value how precious this phase was. But now we all missed to be kids again . After being a grown up we come to know about the importance of childhood, how free minded we were at that time - no worries of work , no schedule to follow just have fun and chill. But now a days life is all about stress and health hazards which causes uncertainty .Now a days the stress is over powering us . The pressure of life is making us blank from inside. But it's a truth that we cannot get back to that time which was full of innocence and carelessness. This was the time when our moral and social character setup has build. In this time parents can easily alter and properly shape up their kids mind and make them the difference between what is wrong and right as their brains are blank slates to write upon good lessons. 


                                                                               I belong to city named HANUMANGARH in RAJASTHAN. Although I have one younger brother but I brought up in a joint family . Where 3 families lived together happily , my family, my two uncles along with their family and my grand parents. I was really close to my grand mother because she was so sensible, humble and pure soul. I can not get enough with her jolly nature . I used to be with her all the time . I always wanted to be like her ....quite and calm . I got so pampered by my whole family because I was so chubby and cute .
          After my grandmother I was and I am really close to  my father who always motivates me towards good aspects of life . Along with studies he wants me to priortize my health first. All due to his dedication and motivation I become a good scorer from very early phase.  I was really not scared of anything during childhood rather than my father's anger .Although he is not an angry personality . But any time I  remember that memory I get scared 😨.So the scene was this all cousins were playing together and one of my elder cousin cut my hair during that time. I had very lush curly Maggie type hair . Everybody was fond of my hair specially my father .When he got to know we have done this disaster to my hair .He got so angry on me and slapped me( not that harshly) . That time I got beaten due to someone else's mistake. After that I have never even get scolded by my father . I was loved and pampered through out .


(the kid in the middle is me in blue dress and the cousin feeding me the cake in last image is that girl behind the scene who cut down my hair randomly )
Memories have no boundaries and some memories can't be bounded with words. I have endless memories but I have shared the one which makes me sad and happy at a moment. What wonderful time that was . It became tough to come back from the memory lane😁


               Kids are god gifted as they are the representative of God. They are the innocent human being on the earth. It's all up to us how we raise them to be a good human being and shape them up to get beautiful future . We just have to keep patience while handling them . Just correct them in soft tone and they will be yours.


  1. Best part of life😘😘

  2. Childhood is the most memorable time of every human being. As a kid we want to grow up faster but now we realize that was the most childish thought we ever had. Thanks for this beautiful art work

  3. Memorable time it’s special for everyone 😍


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