Hello Everyone,

             I am 29 years old homemaker. who ditched all her priorities  to be a good mother. Here I am sharing my beautiful motherhood journey which had started two n half years back when I got the most precious blessing of my life in the form of my son . We named him Kabil. When ever I  recollect the old memories I remember that day when I was due ,I was as nervous as thrilled . Nervous because it was a planned one. My gynecologist had advised me to go for c- section delivery a week ago from my due . so thinking about all this I was getting very anxious . But I was jubilant that I was very close to that moment which I awaited for long nine months.                                                                                                                                                With every passing moment I had fear of happiness . With these mixed emotions I reached hospital. Seriously I just can't explain my fear of hospital . Though I was mentally and physically prepared for c- section somehow but as soon as I entered the hospital and the nurse injected me with the glucose drip my blood pressure level had started fluctuating. Somehow my husband and my mother was able to calm me down to get my blood pressure levels on check .At a point when every parameter came to normal range I was taken to OT . There I got spinal injection which was a kind of anesthesia .Then the doctors started their procedure of cutting the layers . As soon as they put the first cut I screamed with pain and the team of doctors wondered how was it possible . Then they again gave me an injection I think this time a higher dose after that I didn't feel anything in my lower body .I was semi conscious throughout the procedure. As if a train was moving to infinity and suddenly it had reached its destination.                                                            
                                 And the baby had arrived. As I got to hear his first crying sound my heart filled with glee. Suddenly in no time I started feeling more responsible because being a mother in itself is name of responsibility.💓


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