Some Amazing Benefits Of  Drinking Earthen Pot Water 

                      The age old practice of drinking clay pot water is a super healthy alternative to follow in routine life and specially for summers that earthen pot water or clay pot water is a miracle .In ancient time people used to drink clay pot water because they were aware about its therapeutic and health benefits but by the times the technology has spread its wings , people have confined there mindset . They do not want to pay heed to old things because it somehow affect their personality. They just want to follow the trend even at sake of their health . Now people love to have fridge chilled water which is totally hazardous for their health .
                       So in this article we will learn more detail about earthen pot water .

 During sizzling hot summer months , our body needs more water to stay hydrated ,to feel energetic and to beat the sun heat .In these times whenever you return back home from the sun if you have water directly from the refrigerator it will give you instant  relief once but for a long time it will adversely affect your body.

   Harmful Effects Of Refrigerator Water 

1. Constipation 
2.Lower pulse rate
3.Heat stroke 
4.Fat storage
5. Exposure to viruses and bacteria 

                            There was the time when refrigerators were not invented or  not widely used, Earthen Pots used to come in handy. These clay pots were used to store water and keeps it cool in natural manner. It is the exclusive healthy alternate to stay away from different diseases and health issues.
                                      So let's put some spot light on the benefits of earthen pot which is not less than a treasure filled with all the nutrients that our body needs .

  Naturally purify water -  It has filtered pore structure which blocks the micro organisms to contaminate the water and make it safe for drinking .

Kind to the throat - Directly drinking cold water from refrigerator may cause itchiness and sore throat. whether clay pot water has an ideal option .It gives us soothing sensation to our throat so that our problem of cold or cough may not rise or aggravate . It has ideal temperature which is more beneficial for people suffering from breathing issues during seasonal changes.

Cooling agent- Earthen pot has porous surface through which water gets evaporated in continuity and it's heat gets lost and it's temperature take a hike .

Alert from heatstroke - As clay pot water consist of so much of nutrients, it helps us  keeping ourselves hydrated all the time to keep us away from heat stroke as well. As it has it's own natural structure which does not contain any chemical so we are free from this aspect as well that we are not containing any chemical.

It's nature boosts our metabolism - As we all know clay is an alkali and our stomach is of acidic nature when both gets in contact with each other, It creates a proper pH balance in your body. This keeps us away from many gastric diseases.

                                         It boosts our metabolic rate by maintaining our hormonal level proper .      


 Our mother Earth has provide us such treasure to keep oneself   healthy so why to avoid it . Go get your earthen pot for this summer and enjoy healthy season ahead .


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