ALL ABOUT ROSE 

     Roses are here and there everywhere - in the gardens , flower galleries and gift baskets . Do you ever think what makes them so special ? Is it their charismatic fragrance,  their absolute beauty , or their ability to convey emotions ?

                 In this blog I will take you along with me in the magical world of Roses, Where you will get yourself lost in the fascinating fragrance of ROSE. We will get the complete scientific information regarding ROSE here . We will look into it's scientific name, it's family , along with some  special characteristics and fun facts regarding this ultimate beautiful flower. Along with this I will share some interesting tips and tricks for growing and caring for these classic floret.


                               FAMILY- ROSACEAE
                               SCIENTIFIC NAME -ROSA which is derived from the Latin word with the meaning "RED".It has vast number of species, each species are having unique appearance and characters .
                                               How many of you ever being confused about roses with china roses?Have you found them similar or different or It doesn't matter because it is just a flower no big issue .So my friends having a similar name doesn't show that you belongs to a same family or background .It's just like two people are having same name can never be same . Likewise these flowers are different too. They do not look similar, they have different features along with different scientific name.
 China Rose - Hibiscus rosa- sinensis ( scientific name) 

1. The  rose is a woody , perennial flowering plant.
2. These plants can be erect shrubs ,climbing or hanging with the stem that has sharp outgrowth of epidermis called as PRICKLES.
3. The flower varies in size, shape and color.


1. Roses have been symbolizing love  and commitment  from centuries to eras.
2. Roses are mainly used in lord worshipping in temples so it has it's religious value also.
3.It signifies Beauty .
4.It has medicinal properties too as Rose oil is very much useful in Aromatherapy as antidepressant and  relaxing agent .
5. It's anti inflammatory properties make it boon to the skin specially in scorching summers.

ROSES: from kitchen to cosmetic gallery 

To enhance flavor of your favorite dessert you can add drops of rose water as well as rose petals decoration makes your dish look more appealing and mouth watery .
 so in the cosmetics like perfumes , creams , shampoos and other body care products roses are used in bulk.


1. All varieties of rose can be eaten . yes you read it right its edible  .
2. It is the national flower of England .
3. The age of oldest living rose is 1000 years .
4.The height of tallest rose bush is 5.6 meters .
5.Each variant of rose has it's own color meaning.


1.Simplest rule , delicate things need time, care and patience this as it is followed on rose .It means they need good care as proper sunlight , healthy kind of  moist soil and good water  drainage .
2.Never over water a plant .
3. Put fertilizers on time for better and beautiful outcome .
4.Keep a regular check on your plant for any disease outbreak.
5.Just lightly prune your plant in every season to give them a healthy and groomed appearance.
                               Thanks for reading. STAY TUNE FOR MORE.


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